— by Beverly Johanson for the Olga Strawberry Council — 

What a difference a year (or so)  makes. In late July, 2013 an arson fire seriously damaged the historic 76-year old building in Olga. In the beginning, the building operated as a strawberry barreling plant that served the island community even as it supported its fruit growers and the economy. The 2013 fire disrupted and displaced other island businesses: an artists cooperative of forty-some members and a long-established café.

Today, with restoration and rebuilding underway since May, the OSC, stewards of the building, are pleased with the progress being made; we’re also hearing positive comments from islanders and visitors alike. And once again we’re seeing that islander community spirit demonstrated as, from the beginning, donations to meet the shortfall in the construction budget have come in. Gifts ranging from a few dollar bills handed to one of our board members to a donation of $25,000 have brought us to $50,000, taking us halfway to our $100,000 goal. Once again the island is coming together to make a difference.

The OSC hopes that those who have not yet joined in the campaign to rebuild this historic treasure, home to the Artworks Cooperative Gallery, the James Hardman Galey and a brand new café, will do so now. Donations are gratefully acknowledged and are tax deductible. All donors’ names will appear on a panel in the restored building. Donations of $1000 will be acknowledged on a brass plaque on the building. Many have chosen this as a memorial. Donations of any amount can be sent to OSC, PO Box 214, Olga 98279. On-line donations can be made through the web site: www.olgastrawberry council.org