Monday, March 27, 5:30 p.m., Orcas Center

— from Kathy Lunde —

Does the late stage of the Weimar Republic in Germany hold lessons for the current moment of the American Republic? A presentation by Jens Krus, Professor Emeritus of German, Wellesley College will address this topic in an upcoming presentation at Orcas Center.

“History does not repeat itself, but it does instruct.” So starts the recently released “On Tyranny” by the eminent historian Timothy Snyder. In his presentation, Jens Kruse attempts to assess what instruction we can derive, at our current historical moment, from a comparison of the years 1932/33 in the Weimar Republic in Germany to the years 2016/17 in our American republic.

Jens Kruse was born in Hamburg, Germany in 1949.

He has taught German language and literature on all levels of our curriculum and published books and articles on Goethe, Kafka, and other authors. Most recently, he has prepared, for eNotatedClassics, annotated electronic editions of Kafka stories such as “The Metamorphosis” and the “Hunger Artist.”

Please join us for this stimulating presentation and conversation, presented by the Orcas Island Library. This event is free to the public. For more information, please contact Kathleen Lunde, 376-4985.