Tuesdays, 1 p.m. –4 p.m., Darvills

— by Cara Russell —


Anna Bixel Vast. Photo: Cara Russell

Anna Bixel Vast has a special talent, a twist to her. “I can see your aura,” she says with a delightful smile that radiates from her entire face. Vast is now offering ‘spiritual readings’ at Darvill’s Bookstor. Tucked in the front corner window of the shop, she sets up her little table and gives readings to individuals, groups, and even animals.

Vast has been noticing colors around people for the last six years, and one year ago, she started giving professional spiritual readings. “I sense colors around people, animals, places, and even things. And what I see is natural to people, but some are just more inclined to see these colors. I see low beams and high beams of color in others. Though I don’t always look, I can locate things based on frequency and vibes.”

I waited my turn, when I had arrived in the bookstore, as Vast was in the middle of a reading. When I sat down to interview Vast, she seemed to become nervous, and she laughed. I wished in that moment that I could see her aura. I promised to make it quick and painless, and we soon became comfortable.

Then it was my turn to be nervous and laugh as the attention was now on me. My skin tingled as Vast intensely looked at me, then closed her eyes. “What color am I?” I joked. “Orange, green, and purple,” she responded. She shuffled and split the deck, fanned the cards across the table, and I chose three. What happened next is between the two of us.

Whether auras and intuitive readings are your thing or not, Vast’s practical woo woo is intended for good. “My gift is to amplify other’s gifts, to help others see what they may just need pointed out.” For her readings, she uses a combination of cards and colors (or energy patterns).

If you would like to have a reading, go to Darvill’s Bookstore on any Tuesday afternoon, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Make an appointment or just walk-in. Vast’s readings are always fun, upbeat, and exciting. All readings are by donation. “Let’s look at the “colors” or energy patterns around any question or issue you’d like to explore,” she explains. “Come with a question, or we’ll make one up on the spot!”

Call to make an appointment if you would like a longer reading. Vast is now booking private parties, and personalized group readings at (360) 298.6610 or via email.