Port Manager Bea VonTobel notified Orcas Island Airport Patrons today that:

The Port of Orcas has been approved for FAA AIP funding to cover engineering scope and fee approval, and funding was awarded in the amount of $377,948.00. The project will provide funds for the design phase services for rehabilitation of RW 16-34, the full length parallel taxiway and four connector taxiways with asphalt overlays, rehabilitation of the tiedown apron at the south end of the airport with both an asphalt overlay and selective full-depth pavement reconstruction, and the installation of subsurface edge drains along all aircraft pavement edges.

Completion is scheduled for the end of 2013.  95% of these funds are reimbursable provided the project is constructed.  The port’s share is approximately $19,000.

During the week of August 16, a survey team engaged by WHPacific, the engineering firm of record, will be at the airport to ‘shoot lines’ down both the runway and taxiway centerlines, edges, 10′ off the edges and establish a grid survey of the south ramp area.

No airport closure is anticipated during this phase of the work.  However, a NOTAM will be published, stating that ‘men and machinery (a lighted pickup truck) will be on and in the vicinity of the runway, taxiway and south ramp areas until completion’.  The work is not expected to exceed seven days.

As soon as can be arranged, a geotechnical team will be on site to ‘core’ samples along the length of the runway, taxiway, and various spots in the south ramp area.  ‘Coring’ consists of drilling 12″ diameter holes to a depth where the sample remains consistent throughout its length.  The cores could be as deep as 3-4′, depending on the thickness of the pavement and changes in the base.  Upon extracting the sample core, the remaining hole is then filled with concrete level to the original surface.  Cores are then examined for composition characteristics.

This portion of the work will necessitate a one-day closure of the runway.  Along with suggestions from the port’s commercial carriers and locally-based pilots, the port hopes to schedule the one-day closure at the most accommodating time before the end of September.  The port is soliciting comments and suggestions.

Contact the Port of Orcas at 376-5285, or orcasairport@rockisland.com.

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