I am sad to report that Jeannie Sharpe is resigning from her position as Port of Orcas Airport Manager. Jeannie has done a fantastic job over the past two years and is liked and respected by the community and airport users alike. The task of the Port Commissioners is to now find someone as capable as Jeannie.

At the Port’s Monday, August 22nd meeting the Commissioners appointed Michael Triplett and me to form a search committee, developing the process, criteria, and schedule for finding a replacement. Our preference is to quickly find a permanent replacement, but we need to find the right person.  While Jeannie has generously offered to stay until her house closes, and hopefully helping to train a new person, we can’t take advantage of her as she moves onto her new life off-island. We may have to hire an interim manager, or use volunteers, and we already have several good ideas and candidates for doing so. Regardless we want to take the time to hire the right person.  Very soon we will be posting a help-wanted request, and we will keep you informed as we develop and execute on a search plan.

In the meantime, if you have any good ideas or candidates, please email them to me at robert@portoforcas.com