||| FROM W. A. SCHMIDT |||

Glory to Ukraine 

A poem by wasakalobo 

Zelensky’s unmatched bravery
His life-affirming fame
Put Putin’s endless knavery
And cowardice to shame
A soulless bully who likes death
Who sends his thugs to kill
Will hopefully end like Macbeth
For Putin’s only thrill
Is naked power, ruthlessness
In the KGB’s mold
A man of moral emptiness
He hunts down young and old
Bombarding hospitals and schools
Committing crimes galore
His sycophants all of them fools
Rev’ling in all the gore 
Their weapons cause the innocent
From land and from the air
It’s inhumanity’s descent
From Russia’s devil’s lair
Towering above a square called red
Haunted by its own past
It is the source of such bloodshed
That it leaves us aghast
Its ruler is devoid of qualms
As he lives out his hate
Combining perfidy and bombs
Because he is irate
About democracy’s success
In his own neighborhood
Hence his obsession to suppress
Ukrainian statehood
Barbaric acts given free reign
The laws of war ignored
This savagery will be his bane
Once justice is restored
His Russian subjects scare him too
From oblast to oblast
Yet violence is a bad glue
His tyranny won’t last
But while it does it causes pain
At home and way beyond
The frontline now lies in Ukraine
Whose people won’t abscond
They deserve maximum succour
In their heroic fight
This way there’s hope they can assure
Tyranny’s not their plight
Only Putin’s complete demise
Will restore peace and calm
That’s why Kyiv deserves allies
To make all his plans bomb
The leaders a free Ukraine spawns
Are an impressive lot
Refusing to be Putin’s pawns
None of them can be bought
Ukrainians fight with heart and soul
To keep evil at bay
Their sacrifice killed his vile goal
To make them die away
The moral high ground is all theirs
Russia’s image is shot
Unless it fixes its affairs
It will go on to rot
Whereas Ukraine will thrive again
Its enemies will fail
Its fighting back won’t be in vain
The nation will prevail  

© W.A. Schmidt, March 29, 2022