Inspired by the “Plein Air Poets of San Luis Obispo County” and their collection, Poems for Endangered Places, River Malcolm will facilitate  a Writers Roundtable on plein air poetry on Saturday, March 14, from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Library.

Roundtable organizer JoEllen Moldoff says, “This will be an opportunity for writers to explore how our connections to the natural world nourish and replenish our writing voices.

“The Roundtable will include a guided imagery simulation of a plein air poetry outing, with each writer visiting a location of our choosing, and an opportunity to free-write and share.”

There will also be an opportunity to share imaginings about what a “Plein Air Poets of Orcas Island” might look like, and which places writers would choose for actual plein air poetry outings on Orcas. All are welcom to Writers’ Roundtable, which takes place the second Saturday of each month.

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