Thursday, March 7 from 3 to 5 p.m. at the Eastsound Fire Hall

By Margie Doyle

When the Eastsound Planning Review Committee (EPRC) meets tomorrow they will discuss the continued momentum of the Streetscape Plan and the Eastsound Sub-area Plan update.

The Streetscape Plan, to develop sidewalks and curbs on certain corners on Prune Alley, began in late 2011, piggy-backing onto the scheduled chip-sealing of the Eastsound thoroughfare in 2013. EPRC member Fred Klein and Eastsound Design Review Committee member, Architect Bill Trogden, have met with property owners about the plan over the past year, and have more recently met with all utility providers and presented the plan to OPALCO.

The County’s 2013 budget includes over $200,000 in engineering for the design of the Prune Alley Streetscape improvements, and there is $500,000 in county funds for engineering project in 2013-14, contingent on the county’s receipt of $650,000 Complete Streets program.

At the March meeting tomorrow, the EPRC will also work on the Eastsound Sub-Area Plan update to meet the county docket schedule. Over the last month, they have reviewed inconsistencies in the Eastsound Sub-area Plan, identified by Senior County Planner Colin Maycock. The County Council identified the update of the Sub-area plan as one of its higher priorities at the Council’s annual retreat earlier this year.

The board, which is now chaired by Clyde Duke, includes Klein, Gulliver Rankin (on leave), Ken Katz, Teri Williams and Ted Grossman. With the resignation of Rick Hughes, Orcas West County Council member, the Eastsound advisory committee is looking to recruit another board member. The particular skill set desired of this new board member will also be discussed at the March 7 EPRC meeting.

Since the last monthly meeting, EPRC members have reviewed the land use tables so that they are ready to discuss the county advisory committee’s goals and policies. Teri Williams reviewed the EPRC’s recent work, saying “We reviewed the use tables, set goals and policies, looked to see if anything stood out that was in conflict.” She urged the EPRC to move forward on the Sub-area Plan update and “put it out to the public for the public process.”

Also at the February meeting:

  • J. Foster Hildreth and Suzanne Olson of OPALCO spoke to the group and meeting attendees about the power company’s plans to expand broadband (internet) access through a hybrid fiber optic/wireless system.
  • Senior Planner Colin Maycock spoke of the State Ecology Grant funding the Shoreline Master Program (SMP). It was announced that the first draft of the SMP should be released in the next month.
  • Bill Trogden proposed that the word “architectural” be removed and the word “design” substituted in the Eastsound Sub-area Plan; “State law requires attention to health safety and welfare, not aesthetic design,” said Trogden. “With all the experience I’ve been through, we need people that are design-oriented.The term architecture is something that ought to be changed, and keeping the Sub-area Plan up to date is a terrific way to do it.”

Klein and Duke agreed with Trogden’s comment.

The public is welcome to attend the EPRC; there will be a scheduled time for public comment.

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