The Kitchen at Red Rabbit Farm, as photographed by Ben Benschneider for the Seattle Times.

By Rebecca Teagarden in the Seattle Times


Christina and Bruce Orchid’s home on Orcas Island is just delicious. Little collections everywhere; green pottery over the fireplace, boxes of spoons piled on a chair, birds’ nests here and there, tiny metal buildings on a dresser, little chairs hanging from the wall, a cabinet packed with blue and white china, another jammed with seashells. Paintings stacked against the wall. Mismatched everything. Tattered. Worn. Gathered. Lived in. Loved.

“Did you have a look in the upstairs bathroom?” Christina asks, already halfway there. “Come look. These are my chicks. I have to keep them warm, so I put them in here.”

We head back to the kitchen. The kitchen. Taupe-bleached fir posts and beams over a rough stone floor. Butcherblock island. Copper pans hang overhead, a cook’s chandelier. All bathed in hot, white afternoon light. Irresistible even without a pie in the oven.

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