The Farm to Cafeteria Committee together with Golden Eye Farm in Olga (home of one of the oldest apple orchards on Orcas), is asking for volunteers to help pick and press organic apples into cider that will be given to the school cafeteria.

This event will occur on Saturday, October 23 at 10 a.m. and last until 9 mature, apple-laden trees are plucked and the fruit pressed and poured into gallon jugs.

The cider will be served at school breakfasts and lunches.  All able-bodied kids and adults willing to put in a couple of hours on the 23rd are asked to contact Madie Murray at 3064 by Wednesday, October 20.  Those participating may take home a jug of cider as a huge thanks from Farm to Cafeteria for their help in making this happen for the school.

Contact Madie Murray @ 376-3064

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