Antoinette Botsofrd tells scary stories as night falls this Sunday, Aug. 14

Sunday, August 14 about 7 p.m.

After the music dies on Sunday night, August 14, around 7 p.m., come gather together with Antoinette Botsford (“Storybird”), for a program of creepy stories. Botsford will tell tales that explore the dark in the woods, the bravery of people facing strange and startling challenges.  A useful way of averting potential bad dreams is part of the program.

She’ll start with a reprise of the popular “Little Wylie and the Hairy Man,” taught her by the great storyteller, Jackie Torrance, when she visited the island 22 years ago.  Next will be “The Flying Head,” part of her Metis family tradition–then “Bluebeard’s Castle”–and who knows?  Perhaps the story of “The Dog Sisters” handed down from her Athabaskan grandmother. “It may depend on how adult the audience is at that point, says the storyteller.”

The event is free at the Village Green Band Shell. “I’ll turn down the sound, and encourage everyone to gather close,” said Antoinette.