— from Didier Gincig —

Mobility EquipmentThe Mobility Equipment Program is a vital service offered in collaboration between the Orcas Island Lions Club and the Senior Center. The services offered help people feel safe, increase their mobility, and makes it easier to remain in their homes. Many of those who use the equipment do so following hospital stays for surgical and medical rehabilitation and are short term users grateful for a temporary loan to speed recovery.

Formerly, the equipment was stored down in the basement, but is now more accessible thanks to the Lions Club volunteers who built closets on the main level of the building. Lions regularly maintain the equipment and are available to offer basic advice and check outs on their regular maintenance schedule (Wednesday and Friday mornings from 10 to 11am).

Folks needing equipment can check out items anytime the Senior Center building is open (5 days a week 9-4). The front desk volunteers are glad to help locate the needed items. Those needing help using the equipment should know that Medicare usually covers a visit to the physical therapist—easily arranged with a phone call to the PT clinic.

A wide variety of mobility equipment is available to borrow for as long as needed at no charge for islanders. The service makes it easier and cheaper than having to go off-island to rent equipment. While opting to use these reconditioned, free items offers a savings, it also provides a way for patients to donate expensive but no longer needed equipment instead of filling up our landfills; a winning combination.

The equipment inventory includes lightweight, foldable transfer wheelchairs, regular and specially sized wheelchairs, scooters, walkers, crutches, various kinds of canes (such as 3-pronged, which offers more stability), knee walkers, bath chairs and benches, commodes and grab bars–all on loan free of charge.

Contributions to the Lions Club are always welcome to help with the ongoing costs of maintaining he equipment in tip top shape. They also are glad to accept and repair good usable mobility equipment. Thanks to all who help to keep this great service available.