Sign up to Support Orcas Issues and Come to our Party on April 8

Keeping our eyes on the prize of excellence in community journalism, we who work to bring you Orcas Issues were surprised recently to hear that our readership statistics have “gone through the roof!”

We’ve decided to celebrate our accomplishments, and to report to our community of readers and subscribers, combined with a drive to increase our paid subscriptions.

So we’re going to have a party on Friday April 8 where we hope to welcome all our dedicated readers, and invite you to join us as we move forward. There’ll be wine and food and, of course, lots of scintillating conversations and bonhomie!

If you aren’t already a paid subscriber, please take advantage of this subscription drive to become a paid subscriber NOW, and you will receive an announcement of the time and place for our party. You’ll learn of our major supporters and advertisers; and of our plans moving forward,

  • More staff to handle administrative, bookkeeping and journalistic media development;
  • More scholarship opportunities in association with our long-time partners, Seattle Globalist and;
  • More efficient internet capacity and accessibility

To accomplish this, we hope to reach our goal of 300 NEW paid subscribers by April 5!

So sign up to be a paid subscriber NOW, RSVP to our invitation, (to be sent separately) — and bring a friend to introduce them to Orcas Issues!

**If you are reading theOrcasonian for free, thank your fellow islanders. If you would like to support theOrcasonian CLICK HERE to set your modestly-priced, voluntary subscription. Otherwise, no worries; we’re happy to share with you.**