Contributed by Marta Nielson, OIPP Director

The fabulous, family-oriented Orcas Idol show is returing for its 5th season.

New this year, contestants can sing karaoke style, a cappella or accompany themselves on a musical instrument. Duets also return, with each contestant singing thir choice of Country/Folk, Pop/Rock, Blues, Show Tunes…even Opera! Each year the show proves to be a delightful, refreshing surprise, showcasing our local Orcas talent and empowering the audience to choose their own Orcas Idol.

Orcas Island Prevention Partnership (OIPP), sponsors of the fund-raising event, extends a special invitation to Orcas Islanders to become an “Orcas Idolizer.” By contributing at least $50, you are able to take advantage of this pre-sale offer and buy up to 2 tickets for the regular price of $20 per adult and $10 per youth (18 and under). Your Idolizer tickets offer reserved seating — “front and center” at the ORcas Main Stage. No more waiting in line!

Most importantly, you will be supporting Prevention here on the island. Orcas Idol is the major fundraiser for the OIPP — a community coalition comprised of individuals, community groups, non-profit organizations and county agencises all dedicated to keeping our island community safe and healthy.

With eleven organizational partners and membership of interested islanders, the coalition provides staff support in doing collaborative programs and hte financial funding for a variety of prevention programs for youth, adults and seniors.

Teen mentoring, “Active Parenting Education classes, youth leadership opportunities, social services information, parent meetings and newsletters, early childhood intervention, Life Skills education in the public school and a new Natural Helpers peer-helping program are just a few.  As Orcas Idol is an all-volunteer effort, all donations will go to support local Orcas Island prevention porjects.

Don’t dealy! Regular tickets go on sale Jan. 23 and the show is always a sell-out event.

OIPP can be reached at 715 School Road,Eastsound WA 98245,  360-376-1547, or by email: