By Learner Limbach

The date of our first Food Masters meeting is quickly approaching — Feb. 6th.

The purpose of FM is to establish local food security by choosing to invest in the economy of subsistence. We are already making progress toward this goal through education of ourselves and our community members as well as with actual hands-in-the-dirt work. That’s right. And this is only the beginning!

Who should participate in Food Masters (FM)? Anyone involved in, or interested in becoming involved in, Holistic Food Production in the San Juan Islands. There will be a Core Team and also an expansive network of friends and allies (who will have access to many of the benefits of FM without the commitment).

Those wishing to be core members of Food Masters must agree to:

1. Attend at least three of the four quarterly meetings (must include the February meeting). In other words, we only let you off the hook once, except in extreme circumstances. Meetings will be February 6th, May 8th, July 31st, and November 6th, respectively, and each meeting will be held at a different location than the previous meeting.

2. Lead or co-lead at least one workshop/presentation/farm tour per 12 month cycle. (you don’t have to be an expert to teach or co-teach something)

3. Make a sincere effort to produce food or seed or both this year (even if its a small amount).

4. Attend at least one work-party at another member’s place per 12 months.

5. Host one food related work-party at your place. (if applicable)

6. To each meeting, bring as an offering any tradable seed or food item that you produced, saved, OR wild crafted. These will be shown and explained to the group, then given to another member at the meeting.

(I would really like to know what you can do for FM (teach a workshop, etc), and also what FM can do for you, to further your interest in food production. Regardless of whether or not you want to be a core member, you can still participate in whatever way works for you. )

If you don’t feel it is possible for you to meet these requirements than you can still participate in a positive way by being one of the first on the list of Friends of Food Masters. I will keep you informed of workshops, some work-parties, and other outreach that we do, as well as ask for your help when we need it!

I have prepared a Survey with a few questions I need answered by everyone who still wants to be in the group: Please contact me by email at to complete this survey. Your answers will give me some important background information that I can use in coordinating the group.

Survey questions address your assets, expectations, knowledge, commitments and limitations.

If you have any reservations, questions, fears, judgments that you would like to discuss, feel free to contact me by email or phone at 376-4048.