— by the Orcas Island Food Co-op Election Committee —

Easy way to vote - pick up a ballot at the Register, vote, and drop it in the ballot box the next time you're shopping at the Co-op

Easy way to vote – next time you’re shopping at the co-op, pick up a ballot at the Register, vote, and drop it in the ballot box

It’s time to elect Directors for open positions on the Orcas Food Co-op Board and we need our members to vote between now and 3:55 p.m. November 8 (5 minutes before the annual meeting)! The Board of Directors helps guide our cooperative to a sustainable and vibrant future by formulating policies and monitoring their effectiveness at meeting the needs and values of our membership.

There are four candidates for four positions: Incumbent Ken Katz, Incumbent Peg O’Hara, Rhys Hansen and Grant Heitman. Qualification statements and bios may be found online at https://www.orcasfood.coop/election

We need to have at least 25% of the Membership vote in order for the election to be valid, even though there are four candidates for four openings.

ONE VOTE PER MEMBERSHP, and the active member (if there is more than one individual named on the membership) needs to cast the vote. An “Active Member” is the primary member established by you when the membership was opened – usually the one who completed the membership application. If you don’t know whether or not you are the active member, email info@orcasfood.com and we’ll let you know.

There are 3 ways to vote:
• The next time you are in the Co-op, just quickly grab a ballot at the register, vote and drop it into the ballot box.
• You may vote online via our survey monkey email poll (sent to Active Members on October 15th).
• You may mail us your paper ballot (PO Box 913, Eastsound, WA, 98245)

Your vote is very important…please vote now!