Editor’s note: Since posting this article on Wednesday, Oct. 9, we have received several comments with questionable or unverified email addresses. Until we can verify that the senders used their real names (which they can do by writing editor@theorcasonian.com), we will not reinstate these comments.

The comments that remain on the site are those that we have verified are the sender’s true name. We apologize to the Fire Department and anyone else hurt by this practice, and ask for your patience as we go through this process)

On Tuesday, Oct. 8, Orcas Fire and Rescue Chief Kevin O’Brien made a statement addressing rumors that have been circulating anonymously about recent incidents involving Fire and Rescue personnel and expenses.

Chief O’Brien read the following statement at the regular meeting of the Orcas Island Fire and Rescue District (OIFRD) Board of Commissioners. His statement read:

Certain malicious rumors regarding Orcas Island Fire and Rescue have been circulating in the island gossip mill. These rumors contain profound misinformation. The following are the actual facts regarding each of the events in question.

Vehicle Accident
Over six months ago, I hosted a private barbeque dinner for my family and friends. After I had turned in for the night, I learned that one person had a minor accident after the individual had left my home. Fortunately, no one was hurt and no public property was damaged. The San Juan County Sheriff’s Department was promptly notified of this incident, and I determined that no official action was needed by the Fire Department.

Food Delivery from Bellingham
Orcas Island Fire and Rescue is fortunate to be located next to the Orcas Island Airport. Twice in June of this year we have paid for delivery of food for training events by an air taxi service. The price for air transportation was between $1.25 and $1.75 per person for a total of food and transportation of less than $10.00 per person. This amount, including the air taxi, is about half of the amount in the Fire Department’s per diem food reimbursement policy. It is the desire of the Commissioners and myself to use on-island food vendors when the department pays for food in the future.

Changes at the Department
Two people have left the department in the past two months. In a small department these changes affect all in the Fire Department. These separations are in the best interest of the District. As a matter of department policy, we do not make public statements about employment matters.

Bellingham Conference Attendance
Assistant Chief Mik Preysz is the Chair of the North Region Trauma Council which sponsored a pediatric medical conference. The Trauma Council paid the Assistant Chief’s lodging expenses at the Bellwether Hotel and negotiated special hotel rates for other OIFR attendees. District volunteers attended the conference on their own time for training purposes and the district paid the negotiated reduced rate which worked out to be below $60.00 per member. The breakfast and lunch meals at the conference were included in the price of the registration fee. The district is currently investigating any other meal charges at the event.

Sally Kass
Recently, District Financial Officer Sally Kass asked to leave her position on her own accord, for personal reasons.

The commissioners, volunteers, staff and myself are firmly committed to providing the highest level of service to the people of Orcas Island. There will be no further comment on these matters.

Following O’Brien’s statement, Barbara Bedell, Chair of the Orcas Island Fire and Rescue Board of Commissioners, then read the following statement:

I believe that it is important to note that the key word in the new Strategic Plan for Orcas Island Fire and Rescue is “respect,” and I believe that this Commission and Chief O’Brien have acted respectfully and with good faith and have tried very hard to engender the public trust.

Both the Commission and Chief O’Brien deserve to be treated in the same manner instead of in an adversarial environment that accomplishes nothing. The negative public comment, the rumors that have been spread with no attempt at determining their accuracy, and the interference that the Commission and the Staff have had to contend with are unwarranted, undeserved, and do little to improve the Commissioners’ governance or help the Staff fulfill the mission of Orcas Island Fire and Rescue in a beneficial and constructive way. With the issues that Chief O’Brien has just clarified, I hope that we can go forward from this point on in a spirit of cooperaton with more positive dialogue and reasonable civil discourse.