Here’s a thought…
Guest Opinion | Thinking through this public health levy
||| FROM BOB THOMAS ||| I’m Bob Thomas. We first came to the San Juans when we chartered a sailboat about 26 years ago then again about 16 years ago. We moved here in 2012
Occam’s Razor | Our island, our world through the eyes, pen of S.C. Watson
Welcome to our weekly feature, Occam's Razor, from local artist S.C. Watson.
Midnight Mutterings | Quaking
||| MIDNIGHT MUTTERINGS by JACKIE BATES ||| Having grown up in the Southeast United States and lived in the Northeast and Midwest, US, I knew nothing of Earthquakes. The shaking of the Earth existed only
Guest Opinion | Local news sources are more valuable than ever
||| FROM BILL APPEL ||| There was a time when local sources were the only sources of news when all towns were what today we would call small, where farmers, prospectors, trappers and hunters would
Occam’s Razor | Our island, our world through the eyes, pen of S.C. Watson
Welcome to our weekly feature, Occam's Razor, from local artist S.C. Watson.
Guest Opinion | My Constitutional Oath remains binding and honored since 1956
||| FROM SAN OLSON, VETERAN||| I was in grade school during WWII, a teenager during Korea and a young adult serving my country in our next war. It is unbelievable that the party of my
Occam’s Razor | Our island, our world through the eyes, pen of S.C. Watson
Welcome to our weekly feature, Occam's Razor, from local artist S.C. Watson.
Guest Opinion | Men from Mars
The president should try being as kind to America’s friend as he is to Putin ||| FROM MICHAEL RIORDAN ||| I WILL NEVER FORGET my first and only encounter with Trump. It occurred in May
Occam’s Razor | Our island, our world through the eyes, pen of S.C. Watson
Welcome to our weekly feature, Occam's Razor, from local artist S.C. Watson.
Midnight Mutterings | Report from Bellingham
||| MIDNIGHT MUTTERINGS by JACKIE BATES, AKA GRANDCHILDLESS CAT LADY ||| Rose the Cat here. My sister Molly and I have agreed to be guest columnists for Jackie’s regular column. She complains bitterly about how
Guest Opinion | May we each continue to support one another
||| FROM PAUL FREEDMAN ||| At a time when many in our community and across the country are living in fear, it feels critical for our local community-based organizations to unequivocally state their values. In
Occam’s Razor | Our island, our world through the eyes, pen of S.C. Watson
Welcome to our weekly feature, Occam's Razor, from local artist S.C. Watson.
Occam’s Razor | Our island, our world through the eyes, pen of S.C. Watson
Welcome to our weekly feature, Occam's Razor, from local artist S.C. Watson.
Letter to Editor | When will lights go out?
||| FROM TOM OWENS ||| San Juan County is literally at the end of the road for our electric energy supplies. Our connection to mainland energy resources is aging and our peak loads are approaching
Letter to Editor | Public Works moves forward with $1.2 million (and growing) storage yard on Shaw despite community resistance
||| FROM LYNN BAHRYCH, J.D., PhD. ||| San Juan County Public Works moves forward with $1.2 million (and growing) storage yard on Shaw Island despite community resistance. Once every seven years, the twelve miles of