— from Judy Whiting —

There will be no state funding for affordable rentals on Orcas in 2016. That’s the disappointing news from the Washington State Housing Trust Fund. It means construction of OPAL Community Land Trust’s new rental neighborhood, named April’s Grove, will be delayed at least one year.

The lack of affordable housing continues to frustrate island families, employers and community members alike. OPAL’s initiative to add 30 new rental residences on North Beach Road will help answer that need.

“With such strong community support for these apartments, it’s hard to have to report this news,” said Lisa Byers, OPAL’s executive director. “There was stiff competition for limited dollars, and the legislature put mandates on the funding this year that don’t serve the needs on Orcas. Even though OPAL has a solid track record with the state and submitted a strong application, our project just didn’t make the cut.”

Over 90 percent of the $9 million needed for April’s Grove will eventually come from federal and state grants, tax credits and loans.

“We have secured land, sought community input, developed a preliminary design and raised over $1.3 million in private support from people who care deeply about the economic viability and future of Orcas,” said Byers. “The community has really stepped up.

OPAL will reapply to the Housing Trust Fund in 2017 and will work with San Juan County to retain the $562,672 that was awarded this year from the federal HUD Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program.

In the meantime, OPAL continues to work with state legislators and the federal Low Income Housing Tax Credit program in Washington, and to move ahead on project plans and permitting.

April’s Grove is OPAL’s first all-new construction project since building the Wild Rose Meadow neighborhood, across from the Medical Center, from 2005 to 2010. More recently OPAL has concentrated on moving and “recycling” existing houses and renovating the eight buildings and 22 units of the Lavender Hollow Apartments.

Incorporated in 1989, OPAL serves 132 rental and ownership Orcas Island households and continues to accept applications from people who are not able to purchase a house in the traditional market. For more information, go to www.opalclt.org or call (360) 376-3191.

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