Updated April 29 at 5:30 p.m.

On Saturday, April 30th Of People and Land (OPAL) Community Land Trust will open its two latest acquisitions to the public, followed by the celebration of the completed Wild Rose Meadow project off Mt. Baker Road, and then the Annual Meeting at the Orcas Senior Center.

The [intlink id=”11259″ type=”post”]Rife House[/intlink] on Terri Lane and the [intlink id=”11505″ type=”post”]Baker House[/intlink] at Oberon Meadow, past the intersection of Mt. Baker and North Beach Road, will be open for public tours at 2 p.m. The celebration of the Wild Rose Meadow neighborhood begins at 4 p.m., at the Senior Center, as the annual meeting begins.

OPAL Executive Director Lisa Byer, says, “The awards are my favorite part, because I am so inspired by people’s dedication of time in the midst of their busy lives.  I also love the surprise element when the announcements are made,” Byers said.

The Peter Fisher Award for dedication to the cause of fair housing on Orcas Island has been presented for the past 19 years to individuals and organizations who have provided inspiration, dedication and unceasing service in the cause of fair housing. The 2011 recipient has provided affordable housing on the island for more than twenty years and put in countless hours on boards and commissions to foster the creation of housing opportunities for people with lower incomes.

The Sky Award for volunteer service that builds and sustains community has been presented since 1998. It acknowledges those who, following the outstanding example of Michael Sky and Penny Sharp Sky, have contributed significant volunteer service in support of building and sustaining community on Orcas Island. The 2011 recipients have volunteered thousands upon thousands of hours in support of our islands’ children and many other island institutions.

Past honorees for the Fisher Award include Peter Fisher, Jeanne Beck, Sam Haines, Michael Sky, Patricia Pomeroy, Dick Arnold, John Campbell, Fred Klein, Darcie Nielsen, Mary Ellen Gaylord, Tina Rose, Alan Roochvarg, Circle of the Spirit/Lahari Hospice and Respite Care, Laurie Drake, Paul Losleben, Bob Gamble, and Mary Blackstone.

Past honorees of the Sky Award include Anita Holladay, Che Blaine, Patrick Bennett, David and Lina McPeake, Jim Bredouw, Leslie Seaman, Didier Gincig, Robin Woodward, Orcas Island Chapter of Key Club International, Julie Miller, Monique and Bill Gincig, Libby Blackwell, Velma Doty, and Janet Brownell and Lance Evans.

Light refreshments will be served. Those planning to attend the meeting are asked to review proposed amendments to the non-profits bylaws at www.opalclt.org before the meeting.

OPAL stands for “Of People and Land,” representing a commitment to protecting natural resources while providing permanently affordable homes for people who are vital to the Orcas Island community. OPAL continues to accept applications from people who are not able to purchase a home on the open market. For more information, go to: www.opalclt.org.

(Thanks to Judy Whiting for additional information).

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