The Board of Commissioners of the Orcas Island Health Care District met August 4 to begin development of its strategic plan for work through 2025. Consultant Jody Carona presented an overview and led a discussion of the 2022 OI Health Care Needs Assessment results to date. Slides of that presentation are posted on the District’s website.

Thus far, 10% of the Orcas population has been surveyed reflecting 20% of year-round households on island. Data collection will continue with more focus groups August 18 and 19 for young families with children and Spanish speakers. To participate in a focus group call (206) 441.0971.

Preliminary findings point to a need to increase timely access to primary care providers including telephone access, appointment making, and after-hours / urgent care. Gaps in service to resolve include behavioral health care, women’s health care, and successful completion of referrals to specialists. Commissioners will be looking more deeply into the causes of identified service gaps in upcoming work sessions and making plans for actions that will correct them.

The next strategic planning work session is scheduled for August 11 at 5 pm. To receive email notices of OIHCD Board meetings, District news and updates, go here. You can unsubscribe from the OIHCD e-mail list at any time.