The Orcas Community Resource Center (OCRC) is pleased to join our island community in celebration of National Hispanic Heritage month, September 15th – October 15th. We honor the history and contributions of our nation’s ancestors and modern day heroes who come from Mexico, Spain, the Caribbean, and South and Central America. This year’s theme is “Unidos: Inclusivity for a Stronger Nation.”

Inclusivity is defined as “the practice of providing equal access to opportunities and resources for people who might otherwise be excluded.”

OCRC is committed to accessibility for ALL members of our community.  Hiring our Bilingual Community Support Specialist, Daniela Pereira, in 2021 helped us overcome communication barriers with Spanish speaking islanders. 

Offering bilingual services has allowed OCRC to seamlessly serve roughly 75 Spanish speaking households this year. The need for assistance with things such as medical case management, transportation, utilities, rental assistance, food, household goods and more knows no language.

Earlier this year, an uninsured Spanish speaking islander came to OCRC for help with a health challenge. Our Bilingual Community Support Specialist worked with them to apply for medical financial assistance through a mainland hospital. Once approved, we helped schedule surgery and coordinate transportation assistance, ensuring this individual received essential medical care.

Orcas Island needs ALL of our community members to thrive! Spanish speakers are part of our island’s diverse population, providing a critical workforce in our local economy and adding a layer of richness to our community culture.  At OCRC, we strive to ensure that all islanders’ basic needs are met.  We are grateful to have overcome communication barriers when serving our Hispanic community. If you’d like to learn more about our services or make a donation, please visit orcascrc.org.