A new poetry class, “Awakening the Poet Within,” will begin on January 4, 2011. The poetry writing class will meet for eight sessions from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Library. The instructor is JoEllen Moldoff.

She says, “In the words of Dorianne Laux, poet and author of The Poet’s Companion and Ordinary Genius, two fine books on writing poetry, “The creative process is…not a means to an end, but a continuing engagement with being alive.”

“In this poetry writing class, we will generate new poems in response to exercises and writing prompts.  Issues of craft and form will be addressed as we read and discuss selected poems, as well as works in progress by the class. Poets as well as those who would like to begin writing poetry are welcome.  In a sense, we are all beginners each time we face the blank page.”

The fee is $15, for registration and copying costs. Please register at the Library.

This Paper Boat

by Ted Kooser

Carefully placed upon the future,
it tips from the breeze and skims away,
frail thing of words, this valentine,
so far to sail. And if you find it
caught in the reeds, its message blurred,
the thought that you are holding it
a moment is enough for me.