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A very young orca calf was spotted off the coast of San Juan Island Monday.

The calf is the newest member of the L pod subgroup.

According to the Center for Whale Research, the calf, L128 and its mother, L90, both look healthy and appear to be nursing normally.

Due to its “tiny” size and noticeable fetal folds, experts believe the calf could have been born as recently as three days ago.

The Center for Whale Research said it will continue to monitor the mother and calf while they are in the area.

The pair was first spotted in the Strait of Georgia on Friday, Sept. 13. Then, as they made their way south, they were spotted again off Vancouver Island, BC on Sunday. Shortly after, they were seen on the west side of San Juan Island.

Center for Whale Research crews went to search for them and found them again on Monday, still on their own and appeared healthy.