Tuesday, July 31 at the Kitchen

By Gretchen Krampf

“Green Drinks” is an informal monthly, last Tuesday of the month, Happy Hour gathering of environmentally minded folks on Orcas Island. Open to all, we meet to network, make friends, discuss green issues, support each other, and have fun.

The best part about Green Drinks is that this is not another “meeting”- just good people meeting up to network on a regular day and time. We’ll meet in different locations each month, so check out Orcas Island Green Drinks on Facebook page for next month’s location. And, looking for venues, too.

Looking forward to seeing you on July 31 at The Kitchen. We’re creating a special “Orcas Island’s Green” non-alcoholic refreshment, too.

GreenDrinks International started in London in 1989. Since, it has spread to cities across the UK, US, Canada, Germany, Poland, Sweden, the Netherlands, Japan, NewZealand, Australia, Chile, Puerto Rico and Lebanon. As of September 2010, there are over 737 Green Drink Chapters worldwide. “These events are relaxed and unstructured, but many people have found employment, made friends,developed new ideas, done deals and had moments of serendipity” (GreenDrinks website).

Visit the InternationalGreen Drinks website for more info: www.greendrinks.org .

Orcas Island Green Drinks is a project catalyzed by Thrive Orcas Island
… a collaboration of of individuals & organizations helping our communities to flourish.