On Wednesday, November 9, 2011, FEMA, DHS and FCC will conduct the first national test of the Nationwide Emergency Alert System (EAS) test. This nationwide test will kick off at 2 pm (EST) and run concurrently across all time zones.

This system test is the first of its kind designed to broadcast a nationwide message to the American public. In the history of the country, nothing like it has been conducted on such a level. As you may be aware, there have been tests in the past, but not of this magnitude encompassing all regions of the Nation simultaneously. The three (3) minute test will run concurrently on all radio and TV band stations exceeding the previous messages broadcast which were anywhere from a 30 second to 1 minute message.

For more background/detailed information on why FEMA, DHS and FCC are doing this test, click on the link provided below. There is also a list of FAQs regarding the test; i.e., “What will I see during the test?”, “Why did you pick November 9?”, etc.

FEMAs website provides more information regarding this test: www.fema.gov/emergency/ipaws/eas_info.shtm

San Juan County’s Emergency Management Department announced today that “listeners may notice a different test message or the extended length of the test and should know that this is part of the testing process as the capability to send a message nationwide over all broadcast media is tested.

“The Emergency Alert System (EAS) was introduced in 1994 in partnership with private broadcasters as a means to send information to the public during emergencies.”

The EAS, email, and text messaging are all utilized as part of San Juan County Emergency Management’s “Islands Emergency Alert System” to send warnings, or emergency information to the island community. To learn more about this test, or to sign up to receive Islands Emergency Alert System alerts, visit www.sanjuandem.net/alerts, or give a call to 370-7612 or on Orcas, 370-0587.

Thanks to Judi Resch