Saturday, January 28, 2 p.m., Orcas Center

–from Orcas Center –

Adam Farish and Bruce Pavitt display their ingenuity in 8Stem, a new interactive music platform, at a presentation at Orcas Center on Saturday, Jan. 28. Here they show an early version of the application, available free at Apple.

Sub Pop founder and music industry veteran Bruce Pavitt teams up with musician, engineer, and technologist Adam Farish to present a talk outlining the impact of digital technology on music. The music industry in particular has been rocked by the digital revolution – the way we record, distribute, purchase, and listen to music has been radically transformed in just the last few years. “The world of content creation and consumption is right on the cusp of a dramatic shift that is so huge barely anybody can see it,” says Farish.

Bruce and Adam have intimate knowledge of music’s quickly changing landscape. The two co-founded 8Stem, a new, interactive format for music. 8Stem is one of a number of entrepreneurial companies, spurred by digital technology, now shaping the industry. As Farish says, “Technology is developing and people are taking advantage of the changes: this radical transformation is at the core of 8Stem.”

Hear from these experts on how music has evolved from analog to digital to interactive. Farish describes 8Stem’s deeper musical experience as a response to “an exploding remix culture.” And adds, “It allows music listeners to remix songs on mobile, share on social, and post to streaming.”

Pavitt and Farish have been invited to speak about 8Stem around the world. They have given talks at such events as the The San Francisco Tech and Music Summit, The Chicago International Film and Music Festival, IBM’s Datapalooza, Startup Weekend Music in Seattle, and the Web Summit in Lisbon, Portugal.

The two will be at the Orcas Center on Saturday, Jan. 28 at 2 p.m. to share the story of this latest evolution in music, and to explore the possibilities with Center members and visitors. The event is open to everyone and free.

Bruce’s background:
From his start documenting and promoting regional music scenes, to founding Sub Pop and discovering Nirvana, Bruce Pavitt is a certified legend in the music industry. He is recognized in history books, museums, and documentaries. His expertise in working outside the mainstream gives him a unique perspective on digital’s decentralization of the music industry.

Adam’s background:
Inspired by his experience as a touring musician, producer, sound engineer, and technologist, Adam Farish invented the revolutionary 8Stem remix platform. From a home studio on Orcas Island, to his offices in the heart of Seattle, Adam is at the forefront of the digital revolution in music — poised to standardize the next format after stereo.