Thursday, June 29, 5:30 p.m., Mullis Community Senior Center

— from San Juan County Land Bank —

The Land Bank is inviting public comment on the DRAFT Mount Ben Preserve Stewardship and Management Plan. We value public input in helping guide the long term care of our County’s conservation areas. This meeting is a great opportunity to learn more about the management plan for the property, ask questions, and share comments with Land Bank staff.

The 21-acre Preserve is located on San Juan Island, at the southern shoulder of Mount Dallas, and is accessed by way of Goat Pen Road and abuts an additional 13 acres owned by the San Juan Preservation Trust. Please note the Preserve is currently undeveloped and not open to public access.

Click here to view the draft plan online, stop by our office to view it, or contact Tanja Williamson at 360-378-4402 or for a copy to be mailed to you. We prefer written communication to be able to accurately reflect on comments, but comments can be made by phone, email, personal letter, in person, or during the public meeting.

Public comments will be accepted Friday, June 9, through Friday, July 7.

After the comment period closes, the Land Bank staff and commission will review comments and make edits to the draft plan. Barring unforeseen circumstance, the plan will be reviewed by the Land Bank Commission at their monthly meeting on Friday, July 21. We look forward to your input.