Tuesday, October 4, 6 – 8 p.m., Funhouse Commons

— from Beth Jenson —

Please spread the news about a parenting workshop happening on Tuesday, October 4, 6-8 p.m. for parents of Middle School-aged teens (roughly 12-15 years old). It’s being held in the top floor of the Funhouse Commons. We will share plenty of hot tea, high quality chocolate, and a good sense of humor and insight into the famously intense Middle School Era of Parenting.

Through group discussion and activities, we’ll talk about the following topics:

• What’s developmentally “normal” behavior for kids aged 12-15
• Social and emotional themes common to middle school years
• Holding limits with kids who acknowledge none
• How to talk about sex, puberty, relationships, and other dreadful things
• Connecting with our kids despite embarrassing them to death


There is no childcare available, but hopefully the 6-8 o’clock time will help you feed your kids, leave for a bit, and then return home for the daily “It’s-Already-8:00-Why-Haven’t-You-Done-Your-Homework” dance.

Also: If interest is high enough, we can create a monthly parenting support group made especially for us to talk about our reality of being a parent of Middle School teens.