Dr. Jim Litch joins Dr. Anthony Giefer at Orcas Medical Center

From the Orcas Medical Center website, orcasmedicalcenter.com

Dr. Jim Litch, MD, DTMH, has joined the staff of Orcas Medical Center. He lives on Orcas Island with his wife, Dr. Rachel Bishop, and their two children.

Jim is experienced in family medicine, pediatrics, emergency medicine, infectious diseases, men’s health and travel medicine. “I look forward to seeing patients of all ages,” said Litch, “from babies to seniors. It’s what I have trained to do. It’s what I love to do.”

Jim began coming up from Seattle to Orcas in 1994-95 as a locum tenens (temporary physician), filling in from time to time to cover the practice when a physician was away on vacation.

Litch received his MD from the University of Michigan School of Medicine and DTMH (Diploma for Tropical Medicine and Hygiene) in the UK. He has diagnosed and treated patients in some of the most remote places in the world, including Nepal, rural India and Anarctica.

Before receiving his MD degree, Jim spent eight years as an EMT and climbing ranger with the U.S. Park Service, providing emergency medical care and rescue services in Olympic, Denali and other National Parks. He also worked as an EMT and firefighter in the U.S. Forest Service.

“I am delighted to join this longstanding community effort to provide quality primary care locally,” said Dr. Litch.

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