From left, Halley McCormick and Jacqlynn Zier, Co-valedictorians, and Serena Sanders, Salutatorian of the Orcas High School Class of 2011
Friday’s Celebration of Success awards over $61,000 in higher education scholarship funds
At Friday morning’s “Celebration of Success,” community representatives from the following families, businesses, clubs and agencies awarded scholarships to members of the graduating class:
- San Juan County Sheriff’s Guild
- American Legion Voyle B. Martin Post 93
- Madrona Club
- Education Foundation “Dare to Dream”
- Education Association
- Public Service Employees
- American Legion Auxiliary
- Key Bank Academic and Vocational
- Booster Club
- Fidelis Circle
- Ralph E. White Memorial
- Chamber Music Festival Young Musician’s Award
- Kiwanis Club
- Daniel and Margaret Carper
- Island Artisans Arts
- Masonic Lodge
- Lion’s Club
- Associated Student Body
- Orcas Firefighters Association (Jeff Patty)
- Orcas High School Key Club
- Orcas High School Environmental Club
The Ralph E. White Memorial Award, given by 7th grade teacher Phil Carter’s parents, John and Joan Flesner, was for first-year tuition and books at Western Washington University, valued by School Board Member Scott Lancaster at about $10,000.
Other scholarships from beyond the local community were given by:
- Wasington State Honors Award
- Phi Beta kappa Award
- Bausch & Lomb Award
- National Merit Scholarship
In addition, Breena Benthin, Co-valedictorian for Orcas Alternative Student-Initiated Studies (OASIS ) High School gave an award to teacher Jill Sherman.
Lancaster, who tallied the amounts at the Ceremony of Success, commented: “Wow, what a community!”
Orcas Island High School graduation ceremonies will acknowledge the academic achievements of Halley McCormick and Jacqlynn Zier, co-valedictorians, and Serena Sanders as Salutatorian, along with the rest of the graduating class of 2011.
The commencement exercises will be held at the Orcas High School gym at 2 p.m. on Saturday, June 11. The gym usually fills beyond capacity, and seats are reserved for the graduates’ families.
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