— from Dianne Macondray —

Announcing the return of the San Juan County Master Gardeners to the Farmer’s Market in Eastsound on Saturday, May 5 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Please bring fresh samples of plants which lack vigor, are diseased, or infected with insects, sealed in a ziplock bag with a damp paper towel. Refrigerate your sample if collected in advance, for preservation. A large sample including leaves, stems, flowers and fruit of your diseased plant will have a greater chance of an accurate diagnosis.

You must also submit the plant form, which can be found at sanjuan.wsu.edu or at the Master Gardener Booth. Additionally you are welcome to submit plant or insect specimens for identification.

We will be having two clinics per month for diagnosis: the first Thursday of the month and the third Tuesday. In addition to May 5th, we will also be at the Farmer’s Market on the following Saturdays: 5/19; 6/2; 6/9; 6/16; 6/30; 7/14; 7/21; 7/28; 8/4; 9/8; 9/15; and 9/29, and at Driftwood Nursery, on the last Wednesdays of the month: 5/30; 6/27; 7/25; and 8/29, from 10:00 to 1:00.

Further questions can be directed to Kaitie at the WSU extension office 360-370-7663.

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