Wednesday – Thursday, September 17 – 18, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m., Senior Center

 — from Marla Johns, Orcas Senior Services Coordinator —

Managing Your Golden Years flyerThe public is invited and encouraged to attend a free* educational seminar on “Managing Your Golden Years.” Sponsored by members of the Orcas CARES Coalition (Lahari, Orcas Fire and Rescue, Orcas Senior Services, Orcas Medical Foundation and San Juan County Sheriff’s Department) experts will be on hand in a panel discussion format to discuss various topics related to aging.

Topics presented will include:

  • Home Safety
  • Health
  • Grief
  • Asset Protection
  • Fraud Protection
  • Balance & Mobility
  • Life Forms
  • ….and more

We will also give attendees a free lunch, blood pressure screenings, and lots of handouts of information you just may need today, or in days to come.

Preregistration is encouraged and, to reward you for signing up, all those who register ahead of time will be entered in a drawing for a gift basket. Sign up by calling the Senior Center at 376-2677 or email Marla Johns at

* Donations gratefully accepted to help offset the expense of the seminar