— from Randall K. Gaylord, San Juan County Prosecutor/Coroner —

On Saturday, September 6, 2014, a fisherman found decomposed human remains with a wallet in a collapsed tent located off-trail in a secluded area of Moran State Park near the bridge over the Cascade Lake lagoon. The wallet contained a Texas driver’s license for a person from Plano, Texas.

County Coroner Randall Gaylord said that the remains were too decomposed to match the driver’s license with the remains, and that he will arrange for a dental examination and search out dental records.  In the meantime, family members of the person identified in the driver’s license have been contacted to provide assistance in the identification.

According to Gaylord, the cause of death was not apparent from the view of the scene, and that a complete forensic examination will take place at the Snohomish County Medical Examiner’s Office.  “Our first objective is to determine who this is and to notify his family,” added Gaylord.

A medium-sized backpack in nearly new condition was nearby that contained a computer, a change of clothes, and certificates of graduation from Kansas State University with a masters in electrical engineering and also from other schools. A Seattle Times newspaper for May 21, 2014 was also found in the backpack. No food or other camping equipment was found.

Anyone that might have information is invited to call the San Juan County Sheriff or County Prosecutor/Coroner.