–from Sarah Crosby —

Pictured are Ed Kelm, pilot, Kim Abel LWVWA President, Pat Dickason, Vice-President and Lobby Team Chair, and Raelene Gold, League Natural Resources Lobbyist.

Pictured are Ed Kelm, pilot, Kim Abel LWVWA President, Pat Dickason, Vice-President and Lobby Team Chair, and Raelene Gold, League Natural Resources Lobbyist.

The League of Women Voters took to the air a few days ago.

Four members of the State League Board, traveled to Friday Harbor in order to hear the local League program, “Island Crossroads: Vessel Traffic, Oil Spills and you.”

The talk, given by Lovel Pratt and Shaun Hubbard of San Juan Island, was designed to inform people about the increased risk of oil spills brought about by additional maritime traffic through our waters. The vessels would be transporting oil and coal from the proposed new or expanded terminals in Bellingham and in Canada.

In order to show the Board members how vulnerable we are here in the Salish Sea, local Board member Clare Kelm offered her husband and their plane to show the guests the narrow passages through which these super tankers will travel. The day was perfect and the impact of a potential oil spill was made clear.