From the League of Women Voters of Washington State

The League of Women Voters Action Day, originally scheduled for next Monday, March 4th in Olympia has been canceled due to unforeseen events.

The League advocates that all the public keep abreast of legislative activity:

Contacting the Legislature/Taking Action:

  • Phone Call: Call the Legislative Hotline at 1-800-562-6000 and ask to be connected to your Senator’s or Representative’s office and/or find out who your legislators are.
  • Email your legislator: Go to Click on (committee name). Contact using legislator e-mail. Are none of your legislators on the committee? Send an e-mail to legislators using this format: Or, use the comment option on the bill to comment.
  • WA State Legislature Home Page: Bill Information, committees, hearings, hearing agendas and more:
  • E-Comments: Go to the bill information page, enter the bill number. Click the comment section at the top of the bill page to send comments on that bill to your legislators.