By Bea vonTobel

The Lutherans in the San Juans are in search of a term call pastor, and I have the honor of serving on the committee.  One of the concepts suggested is to locate someone who will serve the branches on Lopez and San Juan Islands, with the branch on Orcas not being served.

Primarily, this suggestion has been made because of the dwindling numbers of participants on Orcas.  A look at the annual averages for the branches notes that from 2006 through 2010, average attendance on Lopez rose from 19 to 22, on San Juan decreased from 44 to 33, and on Orcas decreased from 13 to 5.

Other factors may also be at work in the Orcas decrease:

1)  over the years we have had many changes in times and days of worship.  The last     change took us from a weekly Sunday service to a twice-monthly Monday morning time.

2)  some past members have moved off the island

3)  several members have died

4)  some past members have joined other worship groups

5)  some past members have left the branch and not joined other worship groups,          choosing to remain unchurched

The Orcas branch has several options, and it is extremely important to hear from present and past members of the branch, others who might be so-called ‘closet Lutherans’, and community members about their vision for the future of a Lutheran presence on this island.

The basis for Lutheran belief is that we are freed in Christ to serve.  To ‘live Lutheran’ means to embody the message and ministry of reconciliation that God entrusts to us.  There is a place for all here in Christ’s church; you are welcome here.  Known as the church of ‘God’s work.  Our hands,’ the ELCA emphasizes the saving grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ, unity among Christians and service in the world.

The Orcas branch wishes to solicit your thoughts and comments.  Please forward your thoughts via e-mail to Bea vonTobel, or phone 376.4462.  We need to hear from you!  And thanks for listening and responding.