— a review by Lin McNulty —

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If you work nights, call in sick and play hooky so you can see Love Song on stage at The Grange. If you don’t work nights, just get a ticket at Darvills, from orcasactors.com, or take a chance that it won’t be a sell-out and get one at the door.

The show runs 90 minutes with no intermission, which is a blessing as there is nowhere in the story that the audience wants to chance becoming disconnected from this compelling story of family dynamics, portrayed in a most unusual situation.

Director Doug Bechtel deliberately chose this play for its “healthy dose of humor held together by an important dramatic theme.”

Tom Fiscus is the even-tempered husband, which does not keep him from carrying off some laugh-out-loud lines. His wife, played by Melinda Milligan, is all over the board with her emotions as she attempts to defend and care for her brother Beane who lives life a bit differently from the rest of the world.

But it is Beane’s relationship with Molly that changes the lives of everyone. Zach Knight returns to the Grange stage after a long absence to a role that perfectly suits him. Cara Russell, as Beane’s new girlfriend is at once frightening and intriguing as she brings Beane back to life.

Love Song continues at the Grange Saturday, September 13; Friday–Saturday, September 19–20; and Friday–Sunday, September 26–28. Do not wait until the last minute. You just may want to see it more than once!