Six Inches Tall by Skip Snaith, and illustrated by Tina Rose.

What would you do if you suddenly found that you were only six inches tall? That’s the premise of the new digital book released (recently) by local writer Skip Snaith and local artist Tina Rose.

Inspired by selected illustrations from Rose’s 1970’s sailing journals, Snaith has crafted a charming tale of Cora B and the adventures that befall her. Rose’s skillful illustrations breathe life into the roster of characters that Cora encounters on her quest for a new home.

The book is available as a digital down load from their website. “Digital imagery is like painting with light,” Rose said,” It’s the perfect medium for images!” It is also the most cost effective way to reproduce such images, a savings that is reflected in the book price of $4.99 per copy. The book is 118 pages long with 120 original illustrations.

The pair teamed up earlier to produce and publish the print book Umiak, an Illustrated Guide . This is their first foray into fiction.