Orcas Center celebrates National Poetry Month with the 3rd annual Spotlight on Local Poets on Saturday, April 10 at 7:30 pm in the OffCenter Stage.

The evening is curated by local writer JoEllen Moldoff, who leads the Orcas Writers Roundtable, a group that meets monthly at the Library to hear and support each other’s work.

In addition to Moldoff, who will read, the participating writers are: Sadie Bailey, Jennifer Brennock, Anita Leigh Holladay, Jean Huntley, Ingrid Karnikis, Elsie McFarland, Zona McKenzie, JoEllen Moldoff, Rachel Newcombe, Suzanne Olson, Shelly Russell, Laurel Rust, Ed Wilson and Ken Wood.

Tickets to Spotlight on Local Poets on Saturday, April 10 at 7:30 pm are $13 and $9 (students) and are available at the door of the Off Center Stage, and in advance at the Orcas Center box office. Patrons are strongly encouraged to purchase tickets in advance because seating for the reading, in the OffCenter Stage, is limited.

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