— from Martin Arnold of the Orcas Public Library —


In celebration of the upcoming expansion of the Orcas Island Library, we want your “Library Stories” in any medium:

Written — essay, poem, one-act play (maximum 500 words)

Illustrated — drawing, painting, photograph, print, sculpture (maximum 22” x 28”)

Performed — video-recorded song, skit, dance, musical composition (maximum three-minutes; the Library may be used as “set” for performance; call Phil Heikkinen, Library Director, 376.4985, to make arrangements.)

Get in touch with your “inner library” and tell/show/perform your library story!  Recall your first memories of a library, share what libraries have meant in your life, or tell the story of a particularly wonderful moment at a library, any library!

“Finalist” entries will be displayed at the library for “Peoples’ Choice” voting.  Winning entries will be framed and displayed prominently in the Library or “looped” for video showing.

Two winners in each category — written, visual, performance — in three age groups: kids, teens, and adults.

Prizes include publication at the Library, reception for winners at the Library, and choice of Friends’ bag, hat, or cup.

Deadline is May 31. Written entries may be submitted in hardcopy or electronic (Word.doc) form; visual entries in original form; performance entries as thumb drive, CD or DVD, or email attachment. Submit in person at the Library or send via email to pheikkinen@orcaslibrary.org. All entries become shared property of creator and the Library and may be used for library promotion.