— from Phil Heikkinen —

In our Library Snapshot brochure, which we mailed out last week to all postal customers on Orcas, some of you may have noticed a couple of typographical errors:

1. On the front panel, one of the headers says “2018 Levy Lid Lift Ballot Measure.” It should instead show 2016 as the year, as listed inside the brochure.

2. In the section about the Purpose of the Expansion, we say that we will add 30% more collection space, because book use has leveled off, and surveys consistently show that people want more books. It should have said that ebook use has leveled off. This is based on both our own ebook download stats, consistent at about 700 per month since last November, and national statistics and articles.

Here are a couple of interesting discussions about ebooks: goodereader.com/blog/e-book-news/the-e-book-industry-is-in-a-state-of-decline-2015-year-in-review, and americanlibrariesmagazine.org/2016/01/04/whats-store-ebooks/.