I have been personally involved with San Juan County government since the early 80’s, first as a citizen, then two terms as the elected County Prosecuting Attorney, Freeholder and finally as a County Council Member.  I have operated under both the old commissioner form of government and the new charter form of government and have first hand knowledge as to what works best.

In my opinion the Freeholders and the large plurality of citizen’s who approved their work product in 2005 got it right.  Under the old system many critical problems were not addressed and figuratively speaking kicked down the road.  For example, the State required San Juan County to update its Solid Waste Plan in 2001; it didn’t happen.  The State required San Juan County to update its Critical Areas Ordinance in 2006; it didn’t happen.  The County never had a business plan that included long range budget forecasting with a prescribed budget reserve policy until the Charter came into effect.

Since the Charter these and many other issues are finally being addressed.  Reducing the accumulated backlog of the commissioner system has required dedication and hard work.  This work is finally reaching fruition.

Now that the advantages of Charter government are being realized in San Juan County, it makes no sense to go back to an old system that didn’t work.  If you agree with me that the voters got it right when they approved the Charter, Vote to Reject Propositions 1 and Proposition 2.


Gene Knapp