Dear Orcas Community,

Please join us on Sunday, September 20th from 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm as we celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Orcas Christian School with a silent auction that benefits our scholarship fund.  The event will be held at the Discovery House at Rosario, and will feature appetizers and desserts.  Tickets are $25 per person and are tax deductible.  We have donations from a variety of local businesses including items ranging from baked goods to a vacation trip to a destination of your choice.

OCS was founded in 1999 as a Christian elementary school with 26 students, and over the years, has grown to K-12 with over 100 students.  As you can see if you look at the schools website (, we have a beautiful facility and thriving programs.  What you don’t see on the website is the fact that over 50% of our students receive academic, athletic, or tuition assistance scholarships in order to be able to receive a Christian education.  You do the math – our school needs to maintain substantial donations to continue to make it add up!

Please invest in a student and your community and support our scholarship fund by attending the anniversary auction.  You can purchase tickets by calling the school at 376-6683 and ordering them.  You can pay by credit or debit card, and you will truly be making a difference in the education of many students at OCS.  Tickets will also be available at the door.

Thank you in advance for your support.

Sean Roach
Auction Chairman
OCS School Board

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