Bob and Marsha Waunch accept applause as the Orcas Island Community Foundation's "Leaders in Philanthropy." Photo courtesy of Rick Gould.

Bob and Marsha Waunch accept applause as the Orcas Island Community Foundation's "Leaders in Philanthropy." Photo courtesy of Rick Gould.

The partnership of Bob Waunch, one of the founders of the Orcas Island Community Foundation, and his wife Marsha, was honored yesterday at the Community Foundation’s annual Report to the Community Luncheon.

In acceptance of the award, Marsha Waunch proposed a toast to those gathered, saying, “Bob and I are a team, but none of the things we have done would have been done without a larger team. We are so lucky to have all of you as part of the team.”

Bob Waunch said that upon coming to Orcas Island in the 1980s, he and Marsha soon learned that the “real value of the island, is the people. We have never been with such dynamic, multi-talented, entusiastic, participating people anwhere.

“Here, when something is needed to be done, people just got in and rolled up their sleeves and did it, or found the talent who could.”

The “Waunch” partnership was honored by the “Anders” partnership, as Bill and Valerie Anders, friends and neighbors of the Waunches, took turns in applauding the many community efforts the Waunches have spear-headed. Before presenting them with the Community Foundation Award, Bill Anders spoke of both Waunches as “true leaders who made an enormous difference.”

Anders cited Bob’s efforts on behalf of the Island Medical Center, the Mercy Flight programs, the San Juan Preservation Trust, the airport development, the Chamber Music Festival, in addition to co-creating the Community Foundation itself.

Valerie Anders spoke of Marsha’s involvement in the San Juan Preservation Trust, the Chamber Music Festival, and especially in “funding, locating and building a model animal shelter.”

Past recipients of the Leaders in Philanthropy award have been Bob Lundeen, Phyllis and Bob Henigson, Rachel Adams and Marilyn Anderson.

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