To the Editor:

Thanks to the generosity of Naomi and Harvey Aldort, on Friday, February 15th, Orcas Island Middle and High School students in grades 8 to 12 were given the opportunity to spend the afternoon with Abraham Lincoln and the passage of the constitutional amendment to abolish slavery.

We live in a community that provides tremendous support for our children at all ages of development. Often the best ideas begin on the ferry.

I was coming home on the ferry when Harvey Aldort approached me and shared his idea to take our middle and high school students to see the film, Lincoln, when it arrived at the Sea View Theater. Harvey told me that he had been inspired to a deeper appreciation of the democratic process when he saw the film Lincoln and wanted to offer that same opportunity to students.

Like Harvey, I hope that the film will inspire students to register to vote and to become active participants in the democratic process. Time will tell. Those of us in education understand that often one has to wait to see the outcomes of our work with students.

I also want to thank the owners and the staff at the Sea View Theater for their efforts in arranging this opportunity and for their gracious hospitality that afternoon.

Naomi and Harveyʼs generosity is much appreciated and is another fine example of the many ways in which our community members support the education of the children on Orcas Island. Thank you.

Barbara Kline, Orcas Island School District Superintendent/Principal