To the Editor:

I am writing in support of Lovel Pratt for San Juan County Council (District 1). The priorities she’s committed to speak to my concerns: a strong and sustainable local economy, advocacy for issues unique to the islands, fiscal management, care of the environment, and preservation of island heritage. She brings skills, knowledge, and varied experiences to provide leadership on these and many other challenges and opportunities in our community.

Equally important to me is who Lovel is. I had the pleasure of meeting her nearly twenty years ago through the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). Since then, I have seen her repeatedly act on the Quaker values of peace, equality, simplicity, community, and integrity. Lovel listens deeply and with respect for all viewpoints as she seeks actions that will serve everyone justly. Her life with her family and her work in the community speak to these values. I’ll be voting for Lovel in the upcoming election so we can benefit from her wisdom in county government.


Iris Graville
Lopez Island