For all those who participated in the recent History Lives Here Historic Lodgings tour, both volunteers and tour-goers alike, you know what we mean by “from past to present.”

The sun came out at The Place at Cayou Cove, highlighting the gracious rooms and grounds that Henry Cayou so carefully planned back in 1913. Photos in the “lounge” at Deer Harbor Inn led us back to the chicken dinner, salt water pool, tennis court time of the Norton Inn.  Carol, in her period dress, pointed out the succession of deeds from 1895 to the present at The Blue Heron. At Turtleback Farm Inn we sat with a cup of coffee and cookies and read about the Inn’s varied past. Outlook Inn entertained us with peeks into the older guest rooms and pictures and articles from times past; fascinating! The Kangaroo House innkeepers led us through the Craftsman-designed building where an actual kangaroo lived. We are sure that Ed and his Island Shuttle entertained those who rode with him! The Historical Museum displayed its resorts’ exhibit. Whimsical portraits and stories (created by Nancy’s 4th & 5th graders) of some of Orcas’ “old-timers” lined the corridor wall. note: the Museum’s display will stay up for some time.

To all who were there that day, a huge Thank You for helping bring the past alive. The tour committee would love your comments about the event:

Someone asked: “When will the next one be?” Stay tuned.

The Historical Society’s History Lives Here tour committee