OWL is a comprehensive sexuality education program developed by the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). Orcas Island’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Community Fund, through OICF, together with our local Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, funded the program for ten 7th-9th graders this year.  Special thanks to Dr. Shinstrom  and the Orcas Family Health Center staff for their tremendous support as our non-profit and administrative sponsors; and Anita Castle and DVSAS for giving us the space to meet in.

The program was successful by every measure: ten students attended weekly sessions from October through April with very few absences; the level of comfort and discourse about a sensitive subject was extraordinary; the students’ demonstrated ability to hold strong to their beliefs, even when in a minority position, was remarkable; and pre- and post-test results showed an increase in understanding and comfort with the subject matter. Most importantly, we had a lot of fun, laughed together, asked tough questions – and created a cohesive and well informed group of young teens who are prepared to make good decisions about their sexual decisions and act as leaders for their peers.

This was a tremendous collaborative effort – we give thanks to so many of the individuals and organizations who partnered with us, including: Michelle Marshall at Office Cupboard; Jason Linnes at Island Market; Shelly Carlson; Renee Racik; Virginia Erhardt; Aaimee Johnson and Phoebe Hirshenow of Orcas Family Health Center; Anita Castle and Lila Richardson from DVSAS; Laurie Gallo and Jean Bried of Orcas Island Medical Center; Sarah Lyle, Kevin O’Brien and Jean Henigson of the Islands Reproductive Health Initiative; Rachel Bishop of Interisland Medical Center; Susan Babcock of Camp Four Winds * Westward Ho!; OPALCO; Janet Brownell of OIEF; Charles Dalton of the Kitchen; Mia Kartiganer of Mia’s Café; Ben and Megan of Wildflour Bakery; Evelyn Tomaszewski from the National Association of Social Workers; Orcas Island School District and OASIS Staff;  Orcas Christian School; Jeffri Coleman; Jeffrey Ludwig; Thaddeus Gincig; and the Islands Sounder and Orcas Issues for helping us get the word out.

We also give special, heartfelt thanks to our panel of six gay & lesbian community members, including Laurie Gallo & Lisa Byers, Dan Coles & Steve Lelievre, and Charles Dalton, one transgendered person, and one survivor of sexual assault, who all openly shared their joys and challenges.

Most of all thanks to the ten students who made this a wonderful experience for all. We hope to bring this program to young teens again, so stay tuned, and thanks again!

Sandra Burt, MSW
Suzanne Olson