Dear Editor:

I have been a resident of Orcas Island since 1985. I have taught in the Orcas Island School District since 1986. My three children all graduated from OIHS. I have seen many changes in curriculum, colleague collaboration and accountability.I am proud to be a teacher in our public school and lucky to work with such fine educators and amazing students.

I have marveled at the continued strong support of the community, parents and non-parents. They have enabled us to keep staff, enriched programs, and provide services and equipment which have benefited our students. A few examples are the PIP Program, elementary school counselor, and Readiness to Learn. Our school board has worked hard and long to support policy and make possible our goals.

Now we must put our house in order….”a very, very fine house.”  Please vote YES for our school bond in August. Some of the improvements needed are hot water in the elementary, efficient heating, strong buildings and facilities to create an environment that all children deserve. The health, well being and safety of our island children is essential to the education and our goal of creating life-long learners.

Again, please vote YES!

Susan Stolmeier
Parent, Community member and Teacher

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